Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm so tired. It's common for all of us who work on Daybreak, the greatest show in the known universe. We all rise at 3am or earlier, and meander in to make a show in the wee hours of the morning. So, tiredness pervades us like plague, except in the winter, when it is actual plague that pervades us like plague.

However, news never sleeps, although some might argue that here in Tulsa it tends to catnap around 2am. For instance, while most Tulsans were sleeping, Tulsa police were dealing with a shooting involving one of their own officers. Of course, Sharon, star reporter, was live on the scene all morning, with Brian working the camera. Later on, Carrie and Lee went live from a costume shop.

Officer involved shooting. Costumes! We like to diversify.

Mike's on vacation the first half of this week, which means my days have been busy from start to finish. Right as I finish up with my Daybreak peeps, I'm thrust into the morning meeting to help organize crews for the 5pm newscast. Now, it isn't that I don't like the 5, I really do. The crews and producer and everyone else are an awesome bunch, but my heart belongs to Daybreak, and I'm always happier (and better rested) on the days when the end of Daybreak means a late-morning of scanner-listening, DVD-dubbing, and generally doing whatever Mike tells me to do (within reason.) These days of actual working and involvement and (shudder) concern for 9 hours straight.... not my favorite.

I'm probably just being grumpy. I am, after all, tired, and despite my whining, working with such a great bunch keeps me sharp and focused and waking my happy self up at 3am everyday.

I had something else, but zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

* Oh, this is fun! 10 very good reasons to grow a beard. Not included: soup strainer!

* Actual news, sorta! Here's a story, pic included, about a giant spider that ate a whole bird. It doesn't discuss, however, how this affront unto nature will slowly spiral the natural order of society out of control until we're all doomed. Doomed!

* Another day, another story about how the coming robot army will enslave us all. Yawn.

* Batman! Obama! Vote next Tuesday!

* Now you can learn your ABCs using Star Wars characters! L is for Lucas, who wants all your money. M is for Marketing, which the series has devolved into. N is for No More, please God, No More.....

* The Flaming Lips made a movie!

* Marvel Comics is giving their Black Panther character a new look by making him a her. In other news, Marvel Comics has completely run out of ideas. Case in point, She-Hulk and She-Thing.

* Creepy tennis ball thing holds your towel, makes guests uncomfortable.

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