Monday, November 17, 2008

Change you can believe in...

So, I'm excited about the new president. I'm excited about the new Star Trek movie. Of course, I'm excited about new menu items at Taco Bueno, which proves I'm easy to excite. However, I'm even more excited by the changes afoot here at the DB!, where in the spirit of these other changes, I'm going to make some of my own.

First and foremost, I'm renaming my iPhone App section, from the previously titled Scott's-iPhone-Makes-Me-Burn-With-A-Jealous-Rage-That-
Including-Kittens-To-Dust, or whatever I called it, to Scott's iPhone Needs, so that after the colon I can simply write a link that answers the question and provides information.

For example:

Scott's iPhone Needs: Nudity!

Sorry, nothing to link to there. Maybe next time.

Also, I like that when abbreviated, the words spell SiN, which is what fuels Scott and his evil machinations, so it's all fitting into place.

Furthermore, I have solidified This Week in Batman as a recurring feature, and added a new feature in lieu of Lydia, our resident Star Trek fan.

So, no matter what you're interested in, the DB! is here to satiate you. Well, unless you want to talk about news. In that case you are SOL, buddy.....

What? Todd wants to talk to me? About what? oooooooohhhhhhh........

* A cure for AIDS?!?!?!?! Hang on, let me look out the window. Nope, there's not thousands upon thousands of people having sex in the street, so it must be a false alarm, or at the very least a bit premature.

What? Todd wants to talk to me, again?

* An unreleased Beatles track?!?!?!?!?!??! Hang on, let me look out the window. Nope, there's not thousands of people...... oh, you get the idea. This one may actually see mass production soon, though...

* Want that satisfying feeling of popping edamame out of the pod without all that pesky eating? Want, no more!

* Have no idea what edamame is? I'm here to help.

* Speaking of wikis, the one for the Colossus of Rhodes is pretty cool. See, the DB! is fun AND educational!

Okay, let's do the new stuff:

Scott's iPhone Needs: Several useless apps that are still too cheap not to buy!

Lydia Loves Star Trek: She's bound to love these light switch covers, which she can use to turn the lights off when she watches the trailer for the new Star Trek movie! Set phasers to squeeee!

This Week in Batman: Neil Gaiman, also known as the comic book writer novel fans think is cool, gets interviewed about his plans to write the "last Batman story." Right, and Superman's death took, too.

Finally, it was four years ago last week when we lost ODB. Let us remember him in his own words:

"I don't know how you all see it, but when it comes to the children, Wu-Tang is for the children. We teach the children. Puffy is good, but Wu-Tang is the best. I want you all to know that this is ODB, and I love you all. Peace!"

Truer words were never spoken.

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