Friday, December 12, 2008

Cool! I'm a better person than Michael Bates...

Conservative blogger/hot air blower Michael Bates is proof that blogging is simply a high-tech way to waste people's time.

Check out Bates' latest post. Therein, Bates waxes nostalgic on the eateries around 61st and Peoria. What has him thinking about that part of town? Is it the changing landscape? Is it new developments?

No, it's a stabbing. A man, a solider no less, was stabbed in the leg overnight, and Bates comments on the awful incident by saying, "Taco Mayo, KFC, Sonic and Lot-A-Burger were on Peoria."

Seriously? A man preparing to head overseas and fight to defend American ideals is critically wounded before he even leaves the state, and the best Bates can do is muse over eateries? And crappy eateries at that? Local Table is just down the road, why didn't he ponder that place instead of freaking KFC?!?!

Now, don't misunderstand, I know fully well the DB! is a hack job. I'm putting free time to use while filling back matter for the day I finally find a purpose for this silly little piece of Internet space. I have no honest dreams of merit, no delusions that my words are anything more than nonsensical amusement. But I've met Bates. He seems to earnestly believe he matters in the grand scheme, and that his words have power. He is a respected local upstart in many circles, and some news people (not FOX23, thank God) actually turn to him on purpose for insight and commentary.

So, how does he spend his social capital? He blabbers on about fast food joints. And what made him think about local junk food peddlers? A stabbing. A knife slices into skin, muscle, and sinew, and Bates uses it to remember KFC. And Taco Mayo. Seriously? Taco Mayo. The taco place that makes Taco Bell look "classy." Wow, the words "pontificating jackass" never seemed so poignant.

Stay away from Michael Bates, and don't ever read his words. The DB! is dumb sometimes, sure, but at least it's dumb on purpose. Batesline is dumb without even realizing it.

And that makes it the dumbest of all.

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